jue, 27 ene
Introducción al canto y la percusión en el Folklore Argentino del Noroeste
The workshop is open to young people and adults who want to sing in a group, explore different sounds and rhythms of the Argentine folklore through singing and percussion.
Horario y ubicación
27 ene 2022, 18:00 – 20:00 CET
Acerca del evento
We will review the rhythms and repertoire we learned in previous workshops. But don't worry: you don't need to have attended before! And you can attend one or both, but they are intended to be complementary. We want to go deeper into the songs until we are able to sing and play the repertoire as a group.
This is going to be a 2G event, so the participants will be required to have a COVID certificate, as vaccinated or recovered.
We ask you to register by e-mail directly to us (Luciana and Pablo).
About the workshop
We will approach different songs of Argentinean Northwest Folklore with their respective rhythmic patterns and sing a selected repertoire of Vidala, Carnavalito, Chacarera, Bailecito and Zamba. The rhythmic richness of this style will allow us to assimilate the pulses and their subdivisions promoting the use of our body and the union of voice with movement.
Who can participate?
The workshop is open to young people and adults who want to sing in a group, explore different sounds and rhythms of the Argentine folklore through singing and percussion.
More info and inscriptions: lu_morelli@hotmail.com